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Showing posts from March, 2014

a good day.....

Days like to today make me really appreciate the life we lead. A beautiful sunny day, great training, focus, hard work, and smiles.  I was hiking in between Stella training on one run and Troy watching his FIS kids race on the run next to it. Of course I had my camera in hand and couldn't seem to stop snapping. I looked at Stella today and it scared me at how grown up she looked then she started giggling with her friends and all was right in the world the blink of an eye she grew up! Eeekkkk!  Troy (two weeks after having his pelvis plated together) was back on the hill. These last few days he's been sliding around watching his FIS kids race. He amazes me daily and today I truly got to see that he is WAY more comfortable sliding around on skis then walking in the parking lot. The human mind and body is an amazing thing and my husband is a rock star!  Tomorrow Mollie and Barry tie the knot at the top of Vail Mountain. So excited to be part of...

new toys.....

My darling husband bought this sweet sewing machine for me about a month ago. I know 'nothing' about sewing machines but being the amateur that I am....this thing ROCKS! It's kinda dummy proof, in other words, super easy to use.....just what I need. Over the last month I've become immersed in all that is sewing, from fabrics to patters to threads.....OH MY! I've already bought the fabric for some new curtains, pillow covers and neckies!   The Singer Heritage 8768......kinda obsessed!  I could also spend hours finding fabrics online. Here's just a few that came in this week.  Pillow covers. I have a new problem.....HELP!   ;) Next house.......this is what I want!  Troy's on the mend and doing far better then I could have imagined a guy with a broken pelvis could do 10 days out of surgery. That's to step everyday are awesome.  Hope y'all have a fantastic week.  So much love and gratitude!  ...

been a while.....

 Sooooooo it's been about to 2 months since the last time I checked in. Life's been one windy road these last two months with some major incidents, minor incident and EVERYTHING in-between. This is what it's all about......the good, the bad, the amazing, the fantastic and the scary all rolled into one. I think I've stayed away from blogging because frankly it's been a little hard to keep up between all the races and training that Stella and I have been to, and to all the traveling that Troy had been doing. But as some of you may know life slowed down drastically 10 days ago in the Watts house, I'll get to that in a minute but here is all the in-between..... Late January....both of us not smiling much,  but can you tell which one has a broken rib and which has a majorly bruised ego and bruised coccyx from the first run of the day? February....major highlight, Jordan came for a 13 day visit. Lots of training some racing and all sorts of awesomeness ...