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Showing posts from August 3, 2009


I woke up a few weeks ago and couldn't see straight, I felt like I was on a boat in rough seas and my eyes wouldn't stop shifting. After calming myself down a little and gathering myself I had my dad drive me to the hospital. Thinking that I could of had anything from a stroke to something crazy going on with my head. SCARY! After spending a few hours in the hospital and having a dozen tests run on me, I was diagnosed with Vertigo. Vertigo? For no rhyme or reason it just showed up. They aren't sure when it will go away and they are not sure why it happen but it did and I've been dealing. Let me tell you, NOT a fun thing to deal with, I get the feeling every now and then like I'm drifting at sea and get a really crazy case of motion sickness and the kicker is, is that I'll be standing perfectly still. I've done all the research I can and nothing seems to have a clear answer as to why it's happening to me. I understand what it is and blah blah blah but i...