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Showing posts from January 22, 2012

knitting machine...

 My mom has been a knitting mama making these awesome headbands and hats. I think everyone one at Rally Sport, along with all the Buff, ski and nordic ladies and even other NCAA ski teams in their team colors are wearing one!   All colors and sizes!   I think these are my favorites!  My mom rocks!   I have been wearing them non-stop and have been amassing quite the collection! Woo hoo!! If you want one, I know where you can get one!  ;) Love and Gratitude.

love this little one....

Scary how fast she's growing up right in front of our eyes. Learning, growing and loving... The faster she goes the bigger the smile. A little random but I never got around to posting these pics and I always liked them. This was a great night in Boston, exploring the town in October with Troy and Stella.   She's going to be taller then me soon! Eeek Loving this little one......Gratitude. 

family ski day....

Love and Gratitude..

love colorado...

On our way to Eldora yesterday morning we got to see another amazing Colorado sunrise. I had the camera locked and loaded and this is what i got.  Peak to Peak Highway...  Black Hawk/Central City...  The drive down into Nederland.   Troy took this shot on the way home near Rollins. What a great day of skiing. Blessed to be back home in Colorado. Love and gratitude. 

go ski racer, go.....

Ski racing season is in full swing! Woo hoo! Unfortunately since we moved back to Colorado we don't get to see Jordan or Taylor race but Taylor is coming out in February so at least we get to ski with her.  Jordan has been kicking some major booty and we got this picture from her the other day. This was her first race of the season and she finished 2nd but she had a MOJOR bibbo from the back of the pack! SHE IS CRUSHING IT!!!  Check out those sick angles!   Miss Stella and her sick angles. She looks up to Jordan so much, it's awesome. She wants to ski just like her. I hope they get to ski together sometime. Till then we'll keep training and working hard.  On top of skiing, Stella has really gotten into Tae-kwan-do. She goes three times a week after school and is kicking so major booty in that too. Tae-kwan-do pics coming soon.  Till then, much love and gratitude....