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Showing posts from May 12, 2012

girl time....

Stella and I were goofing around tonight and here is what we came up with.  Stella in rollers! Ha!  *My LiTtLe GiRl*  Growing up WAY too fast!!! I think she is BEAUTIFUL, she thinks she looks silly! I WIN!  Love and Gratitude! 

here's to you....

One of my favorite people in the world (and my BFF :)) is graduating from nursing school today with her masters in nursing!!!  Congratulations!!!  Love this girl!!!  So happy, proud and inspired by you! May nothing but amazing things keep coming your way!! Love and Gratitude for YOU! 

one minute sun, next minute snow....

Yesterday after work and picking up Stella from her play practice, we headed home only to turn right back around and head back into town to grab some dinner. Right as we pulled out of our drive and onto our street we ran into two moose, they looked a bit grey and old and maybe a little grumpy because of the weather. All day it had been a bit overcast with a few rain showers but I definitely wasn't expecting to go to dinner and walk out to a snow storm!  No snow on the ground at 6pm.   7:30 and after dinner.....SNOW! Woo! We had dinner at Downstairs at Eric's where there are no windows so imagine our surprise seeing this when we walk out of the restaurant. Stella in flip flop and shorts, yeesh!!!  This morning, sunny and beautiful! One of the MANY things about living in Colorado. Tomorrow all the snow will be gone and I'll be back to wearing skirts, summer dresses and flip flops!  The view to the right out our living room win...