Working the last few days at the shop getting it set up for the season....Whew. Unpacking box after box, hanging, re-hanging, moving stuff from one side of the shop back to the other, and then back again. It's been a hoot. There still seems like there is soooooo much to do and we're suppose to open next weekend. Eeek! Unfortunately I wont be here for the opening because we'll be in Colorado.....not a bad trade off. I'm sure most of the stuff will be waiting for me when I get back. ;) The view from the shop. Right at the base of the mountain. Notice something missing? (snow) Boxes, boxes and mOrE, boxes. OMG, soooooo many hats, and that's only half of them. There are still 3 boxes in the back storage room. Yikes! Oakley. Love all the colors. Oh, and one last thing...YUP...I think you're wonderful!!! Love and Gratitude....
milostny dopis (love letters)