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Showing posts from July 20, 2009


On Saturday Stella, Dreya and I went to one of my favorite spots growing up as a kid. Eldorado Springs Pool. It's located at the end of Eldorado Canyon right outside of Boulder. As a kid we use to go there quite often. I haven't been there in years but the one thing that I had remembered about the pool was that it was freezing and sure enough...nothing has changed. Its also got this rickety, sketchy, steep, fast, metal, old school slide. The place hasn't changed a bit. It was so refreshing to swim in a fresh water swimming pool. No chlorine just fresh spring water circulating. Definitely planning on many more trip there this summer. Brave lil Stella making her way up the slide. We all made the plunge down the slide but Stella couldn't stop, she slid her butt off all afternoon. Pictures don't do this slide justice . There's no ledge at the top, you just kinda have to carefully make your way from step to slide. Also check out the canyon wall behind Stella. ...

Sweet Solitude...

Yesterday Stella went to her dad's for a whole week. Tomorrow my parents leave on vacation for a week....what am I to do with myself? Here's the plan.... 1. Work out as much as the gym everyday and taking my time. 2. Read, read, read as much as I can. 3. Re-organize. -my closet -my filing cabinet -Stella's room -anything else I can think of that needs organizing (my life) :) 4. Take time to get together with friends that I haven't seen in awhile. 5. Reload my iPod with new music 6. Stay away from my laptop and TV as much as possible. 7. Do whatever I want, when I want..(oh, the possibilities!) 8. RELAX It's funny having this freedom with no attachments or schedules (besides work). There are a million different things I want to get done and I already feel like the clock is ticking...tick- tock . I can't tell you how much I miss Stella already and come Sunday I'm going to be chomping at the bit to pick her u...