For the last couple years I've gotten in the habit of making lists. Lists for, traveling, packing, life, day to day stuff, shopping lists, things-to-do lists, and any other lists I can think of needing lists for. I was coloring today with Stella and I felt the need for a list come on, so instead of our normal coloring I started to list. It wasn't one of those very important lists, it was simply a list of things that I need to get done and there is no better way for me to remember all of those things then to see it in black and white. (or in this case lots of color) I'm not much of an artists but Stella on the other hand definitely got her artistic side from her father who is his own right is very talented. I've tried to do all I can to encourage Stella to explore that side of her. My parents even went so far as to buy Stella her own art studio this summer for her birthday and put it above their house (pictures of that will be posted soon)! It's a 10 foot by 10 f...
milostny dopis (love letters)