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Showing posts from March 9, 2009

Spinning The Bad Stuff Away...

UGLY KNEES A few weeks ago while skiing with Stella I got hit from behind by an out of control skier. Nothing too serious happen and thankfully he didn't take out Stella since I was skiing behind her to shield her from people like him. Most people that know me, know that I've got some mangled knees. 4 full reconstructions of ACL's and MCL'c and a few Patellas plus a few extra scopes. My knees have held up over the years but since I got hit a few weeks ago I tweaked it enough that every time I go skiing now my knee swells to the size of a grapefruit. Solution: spin, spin, spin. Spinning gets ride of all the fluid in my knee without having to go get it drained and keeps the blood flowing which promotes healing. Here is where to spin bike come into double duty. Not only am I getting a work out but I'm also spinning away the bad stuff in my knee. Woot ! Stella was getting ready for bed and taking a shower so I hopped onto the bike for an hour ride. Here is a pict...

Catching Up....

It's been a few days since I've blogged and I hate getting behind. Not that anything major happen but I like the daily routine. Stella spent Friday night and most of Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa Larsen, that gave Connor and I the opportunity for a little date night and to have dinner with a bunch of friends Friday night for Amanda's birthday. We picked Stella up on Saturday evening and it was up to her to pick what kind of food she was in the mood for. We ended up at a steak house because she was in the mood for some steak, woo hoo ... good choice. We had a fun dinner then headed home for movie night. We ended up watching the Discovery Channels, The Planet. It was fantastic and fun for all of us to watch. Stella hit the sack at about 10 to catch some Z's before a full day of skiing on Sunday. We woke up Sunday morning only to have to turn the clocks forward an hour and miss an hour of sleep. We got up to the mountain and had a beautiful day of blue bird sky skii...