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Showing posts from December 27, 2012

the perfect day....

On the morning of the 25th we got up got our ski stuff on and hit the slopes. I can't think of a better way to spend such a great day with all of my favorite people minus a few people of course (Tommy)!!! Did I mention that I LOVE snow?!? It was a perfect day! A happy little family pic!   Stella rocking Troy's Go-Pro taking fun video of everyone!!!  Little one ripping around on her new planks!   This style of skiing is called the "casual mom"!   and here is my mama shredding it! We had perfect snow conditions!!!  Dad getting after it!!!  I can't tell you the last time we were all together skiing that didn't involve a race hill or some kind of training. It was pretty special!  Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and hope everyone gets to spends such quality time with their loved ones as we got to!! Lots and love and gratitude!!!