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Showing posts from February 9, 2009

Screwy Winter...

I was going through my pictures today and I came across this picture that I took this summer. I am missing the summer and I'm missing the winter. It seems like we've been stuck in a windy limbo weather pattern with no where to go..... I love the winters, the snow, the cold, skiing, and even the driving. But so far this winter we haven't seen too much of the white stuff here in town. It's a beautiful day outside and I'm stuck inside because it's REALLY windy out. There is nothing that bums me out more then a windy day. It's useless. (I know we need wind, sucks) I love Colorado for its weather, one day there can be a snowy blizzard and -15 degrees and the next it's in the 70's. Ranting about the wind.....