Another AMAZING day on the hill with some of my favorite people. I know it's a little redundant BUT these days on the hill never seem to get old and it seems like one day is better then the next, there's only one word for that.....BLESSED!!! Check out Breck behind us. If you look close enough you can see our house on Peak 7. I typically don't ski with a helmet when I'm cruising behind Stella but today I put on my "big girl" GS boards. Mama got some high speed turns in....WOO HOO!!! Stella in the start.....3, 2, 1...GO! Yup, Gold! A full day on the hill and we're all smiles. These two yelling at me to hurry up and take the pic so we can go skiiiiiiiiii. I saw this the other day and thought I'd pass along the post because it is so true. I have no ego and I have no want.....HAPPY. Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend. Sending out so much love and gratitude.