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Showing posts from August 23, 2010

old house, new house...

What a difference a summer makes! This pic was taken last fall before we bought the house! And here it is today! Blessed to have the parents I have, without all their hard work, vision and mad skills the house wouldn't look like it does today! There's still the finishing touches and the stone work on the bottom of the house to be done but I couldn't be happier with the way it's turned out. Much love!

first day...

Can you believe it!?! My lil one started 5 th grade today! I remember as a kid my mom use to make us take a picture on the first day of school every year. It use to be embarrassing but now I'm thankful that my mom did it. I think Stella had the same thoughts this morning that I use to have about getting her picture taken but she put a smile on and did it for her mama! Ha! Stella in some new school gear. She was so excited about getting ready for school this morning! It was too funny to watch her running around getting ready. I have a feeling that will wear off in a day or two and then it will be back to "i don't want to get up more minute pleeeaassseee " !!! Ha! Last night we went down to Boulder to grab some dinner and celebrated the last night of summer break! I am one lucky mama to have such an amazing kiddo! Sending out much Monday love!