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Showing posts from September 18, 2009

Fishy Time....

It's that time of year again! Swim team practice started this week. I love this time of year, not only is it slowly turning into fall but Stella gets to hit the pool twice a week for about an hour and a half and swim her little butt off. She loves it! She rushes home from school, has a snack and I usually get home during that time. We sit down and do all her homework and then it's time to throw the suit on, pack her pj's and off to the pool. Swimming in the same pool Uncle Tommy spent most of high school in on the swim team. Always have a little extra time to do some dives off the board and swing on the rope swing. The great thing about Stella being at practice is that I get to get a pool work out in as well! My lil fishy! :)