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Showing posts from November 4, 2012

a whole day....

This morning we packed up the car with Gus, Noelle, Stella and myself and headed down Boulder. We left at 8:30 so we would be at the mall when it opened at 10. Did you know that the mall doesn't open till 11 on Sundays? Now you do and so do I. After waiting around for an hour we got to shopping. It was a bit of a marathon and after hitting up H&M, Hollister, and Forever 21 we were pretty pooped and ready for some food and a movie. There is only so much shopping I can handle (it's not my favorite thing). We ate and saw Wreck It Ralph (super cute movie) and then we made one last stop at Costco. It was super crowded but had to be done, I will say the girls made it a bit easier being their goofy selves and keeping things giggling the entire time (thank god for them). Happy to be back in the mountains and away from the city, it's just not my cup of tea.  Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.  Love and Gratitude!