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Showing posts from October 29, 2013

20 Random Things....

1.  Sunshine, skiing, music, and my family (in no particular order) fuel my soul. 2.  I first met my husband when I was 17. I thought he was pretty cool back then, but I think he is even cooler now! 3.  I think it's nice to have nice things but I also think those things do not define us. 4.  I can eat a full jar of Nutella in one sitting if given the chance! 5.  I swore I would never move back East. I did, and thank god that didn't last long. We are exactly where we belong at this very moment! 6.  I love driving carpool. 7.  I feel like in the last few years I've really become true friends with my parents rather then them being just my parents, and I am extremely grateful for that. 8.  I had a few rough years in my life and wish I had handled them with more maturity. 9.  I believe that you get to know someone's true nature in hard times, not in good times. 10.  One day I would like to open my own boutique! ...