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Showing posts from September 14, 2012

make it stop, 2.....

Driving Stella to the school bus this morning she plugs in her iPod as soon as we get in the car and this song starts cranking, Friday by Rebecca Black. If you've never heard it, don't worry you're not missing anything but unfortunately it's one of those songs that once you start singing it, it doesn't go away. Stella was next to me singing at the top of her lungs and all I could do was laugh. We get to the school bus, a quick hug and kiss goodbye and she was out the door and I was left with the song on relay in my head. It's still there! Ha! So here it is.......oh to be a teenager again! :)  Speaking of Fridays, it's Friday! Woo hoo! I'm now going on12 days straight of work and I'm super ready for the weekend, just need to get through today and Stella's soccer game this afternoon and it's nothing but relaxing and hangin with my peeps ALL weekend. There may be a date night and a bike ride or two involved but it's nothing but r...