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Showing posts from October 1, 2010

dreaming of snow...

Praying for snow, it's coming, I can feel it. I dreamt about it last night, I was flying down the mountain , it was a beautiful feeling. Stella's getting excited about it as well..... we woke up this morning and were watching the morning news as we were getting ready and they were showing some footage of the high country and snowy peaks. Dad, circa 197something Stella 2009 Who says you can't be dressed up with a pair of skis!?! :) How cool is this pic of my mama, ripping down the mountain! Dad Michigan circa 81 or 82! This is me in 1995. Although I don't really miss skiing gates (well sometime a slalom course calls my name but I'd kill myself these days) I do love the feeling of being on snow and pushing down the mountain, feeling my skis arc under me, it's the stuff dreams are made of. Can you tell I'm ready for ski season? :) It's been a crazy busy week so far but Stella and I are rockin it. Hope everyone is doing well! Sending out blessings and love...
Yup! The circus! Stella and I, last night hit the circus down in Denver with a few buddies! I've always had issues with the circus and I haven't been since i was about 10 so i thought I'd give it a go. Still have the same issues! Barnum and Bailey! Here are my issues! Bright lights, dancing and singing and poor, grumpy, sad elephants. Stella and I had a blast, I think the motorcycle guys in the cage were the coolest part. I have a bit of a sugar hangover this morning and thank god Stella has a day off today. Hope everyone had a beautiful Friday and a wonderful weekend. Going to the Buff game on Saturday. GO GU! Much Love!!!