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Showing posts from September 6, 2011

family, and stuff....

I know its been at least a week since I've blogged and that's due to unfortunately not having internet for the whole week. But, we are finally back up and running. Woo hoo. Catch up news: Stella had her first day of school today.  Yay.  This summer has seemed to drag on and on and I think she was just as excited to start school as I was for her. We had about a two hour long parent briefing this morning and I was so excited about all the great opportunities Stella is going to have at this academy. They even have a "learn how to study hour" incorporated into their day. And, I have joined the PTA, eeeekkkk.  :) Sorry this post is little random and all over place but I'm running through what's happened in the last week or so. Stella had a great trip to visit family over this last holiday weekend. She got to fly to NY to spend time with her dad, step mom , brother, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandma and grandpa. She had a blast. Troy and I spent the...