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Showing posts from July 29, 2009

Lucky Girl...

Soooooo much to write about. Stella came home today after being gone for a whole week. All is right and good in the world again. I missed the lil bugger more then you can imagine. My parents took a vacation this last week. They came home today with tons of great stories, got to see some great friends, happy and with a few goodies for Stella and I. Woot ! I took a trip this last weekend for my birthday (31...ahhhhh!...and loving it) to Minnesota to visit one of my nearest, dearest friends in the world and ended my trip by meeting a great friends family and getting to be part of a wedding party that kicked ass.......but that's a whole other story, one which I can't wait to write about. But for the moment back to my parents, they both work their butts for our little family and I'm very thankful and grateful for all they do for Stella and I. I'm a lucky girl! Mom and Dad on Cannon Beach, Oregon My mama! My dad up to no good! One of the best things they brought back for m...