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Showing posts from February 10, 2009


Stella and I had to make a box for all her Valentines Day cards for homework tonight. Here is what she came up with. We made an awesome team, she cut out all the hearts and I did all the gluing . I'm quite proud of our little project! :) It's always fun to see her get excited about special days like this. She's having a little party at school and grandma and step-mama are coming up for it and it makes her feel very special. Seeing her get excited about makes me get into it even though I think it's a silly holiday, but then again.....what's wrong with spreading a little love!?! Stella is sitting next to me as I write this and we've both got the giggles but guess's time for BED!!!! Nighty-Night

Mmmm mmmm.....

There is nothing better then a new pair of Carhartts ....and the best part, I found them on SALE! woo- hoo !!!! I even found a pair of overalls for Stella!