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Showing posts from February 12, 2009


I drove by Saxy's last night for the first time since Bryan passed away. It made me so sad that I cried on the drive home. I feakin miss that guy, his big heart, big smile and even bigger love for his friends. I miss walking into Saxy's and hearing Bryan yell across the shop like we were the only two on the planet, seeing his smile and getting that unmistakable BryGuy bear hug that made you feel genuinely loved. There were times over the last 15 years that we've known each other where we wouldn't see each other for weeks, months or even years but every time we did it was as if we never missed a beat in each others lives. I miss the spontaneous nights out when he was in town talking over dinner or just a quick beer. I MISS BRYGUY !!! His larger than life presence was unprecedented. So as Jimmy from Jimmy's Bar wrote... "BE like Bryan for 5 minutes tomorrow and make someone feel that their life is better because they know you, because you are there f...