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Showing posts from November 22, 2012


After having a wonderful dinner at one of our favorite spots we decided to "walk it off" a little down Main Street in Breck. Not too many people out so town was nice and quite. We took Gus along with us since he waited so patiently for us while we had dinner.   Having a hoot but missing Stella. Only two more days and she's HOME! Woot!  Our "offical" Thanksgiving picture! Hehe! We like to keep things formal (NOT)!  Our little boy!!  Thanks to my husband for the awesome pictures, giving credit where credit is due! Tomorrow is a day full of skiing in Vail (a little ski date) with my guy! Woo HOO!!!  Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving full of love and family.  Love and Gratitude. 

gobble, gobble....

Grateful (today and everyday) for love, family, friends, in-laws, outlaws, doggies, happy homes, health, living where we live, parents, Stella, my Troy and for YOU.  I'm also grateful for Stella getting to spend a few days with her dad and her Arlin over Thanksgiving, in Seattle. Troy and I are at home alone and although there are many friends and family we could have joined for Thanksgiving (thank you all for the invitations) we've decided to have a lovely evening out together and have someone else do the cooking for us. We were lucky enough to get a reservation at one of our favorite restaurants here in town. No cooking (kinda bummed about that), no cleaning (grateful for that)  :).  Like every day I wish you all health, love, and happiness.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!  Love and gratitude!