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Showing posts from February, 2009

Spin, spin, spin....

Thank god for this lil puppy.... My days are consumed with working full time and taking care of Stella, both of which I love, but I've found it hard to find time to work out. Unfortunately living in the mountains and 30 minutes from the nearest gym doesn't help either. Solution.... speed hiking at lunch up the hill behind work and after putting Stella to bed hitting this spin bike pictured above (not actual picture of mine but I have the same bike). Now that I have my work out equipment at hand all I need is the motivation. It's a little hard for me to get motivated to work out at 9pm, but I have to make due with what I've got. During the summer I lift rocks all day long so I'm not as concerned about getting a work out in. Come winter I sit in the office catching up on the books and getting ready again for selling season. I HATE SITTING IN THE OFFICE ALL DAY. I can't say that loud enough but I'm lucky in the business that I'm in that I don't have to...

Caffeine Fix No More....

I drive down the mountain every morning to my favorite coffee shop, The Stone Cup. It's nice to walk into a place and be known, and catch up with the usual coffee goers in the morning. For the past couple years my caffeine fix has gotten stronger and stronger. These days I have a quad- americano in a small cup to minimize the amount of extra water. Sam (Stone Cup owner) calls it my lil heart attack every morning. Enough is enough... I'm on a mission to cut my need for caffeine in the morning. I walked into the coffee shop this morning and asked for a Bakti Chai and I thought Sam was going to have a heart he'd already started on my quad- americano when he saw my car pull up. Now, granted chai has caffeine in it but not anywhere near the amount I usually have. Besides being a little more tired this morning I feel pretty good. The real test will be the next few days to see how my body adjusts to not having a heart attack every morning.

Chytrej jako stene

Dlouho uz jsem pratele. O Vas nikde neslysel. A mam trochu obavy. Abych o nic neprisel. Vypada to u Vas asi. Jako u nas taky. Bliska se na nove casy. Vodou tezknou mraky U nas doma je veselo. Smejeme se denne. Zabavu ted obstarava. Rudi, nase stene. Pred tydnem se do kosti. Zakous s velkou chuti. Vykloubil si pri tom celist. Coz jej k pustu nuti. Hubu ztezi otevira. Dietu ted drzi snad. Pro nas je to pouceni. Nesmime zas tolik zrat. Vykloubit si celist muze. Byt pro lidstvo spasa. Nepotrebuj ic dietu. Hubnem jedna krasa. A tak stene pozoruji. Zivotu se ucim. Kdyz nad tim tak premyslim. Prekvapenim cucim. Lehne si a zdrimne si. Kdyz unavy citi tlak. Pak se ale probudi. A zacne radit jako drak. Jak se nekdo rozhodne. Na brise ho poskrabat. Nebrani se tomu vubec. Asi to ma hodne rad. Natahne se na zad. A roztahne nohy. Ten pes asi zdedil nekde. K pozitkarstvi vlohy. Pany tvorstva ...


It's that time of year (cold season) and germs are EVERYWHERE. My lil one finally caught the bug. I think she's been fighting it off for a few days but poor thing finally got it. I took the day off of work yesterday and we got to spend the day together. I won't lie and say that it wasn't nice to have an extra day to hang with my lil one even though she was sick. We colored, played board games, studied and practiced her piano. We also made a quick trip down to the doctor for a lil check up to make sure it wasn't strep because she was complaining of a very soar throat and it's been floating around her school . After we got the clear of no strep and we headed back home and had a chill evening. With a good amount of rest last night she woke up this morning her chipper self and was ready to get back to school. I sit here in my office this morning mapping out my day and with the weather we are suppose to have today (70's) I think I'll spend most of it work...

Jack Rabbits, Prairier Dogs and Coyotes...OH MY!

Saturday morning Connie, Lucky, Mitch and I head up to the north east part of the state to the Pawnee National Grass Lands with the intention to hunting us down some critters. We got a nice early start and got up there within a few hours. That's when the fun began..... We cracked open a few beers and started scoping out the terrain for some p-dog towns. We split into two groups and made our way through the park. It took us a few hours but we finally came across some critters. Out came the guns and Connies new baby and we circled the town. We got but one shot off and the lil critters hid and stayed hidden. Apparently these Pawnee prairie dogs are WAY smarter then the ones in Wyoming and here locally on the outskirts of Boulder. The p-dogs don't go into hiding could shoot one after another and they still scurry in and out of their homes. Sundown was approaching so we saddled to find a place to camp for the night. We found a little spot right next to a dried up r...


I just finished this book last night... I was a bit skeptical about reading this book at first. I just started exploring the world of "self-help" sort of books, but I randomly picked it up at a coffee house and started perusing the first chapter and was immediately hooked by his idea of the ego and consciousness. After that, I couldn't put it down and the ideas from the book are still resonating through me. Its strange that once you read this book, regardless of your total opinion of what is said, you really retain the message and actually start to become more aware of the world around you. You start to acknowledge the inner preconceptions you have regarding different people and situations. I read this book from a Christian perspective and enjoyed every moment of it. Tolle is a "spiritual" mentor that bridges multiple faiths but, I believe that the truths he speaks in a new earth transcends religions. It speaks to the very nature of what being human is all abou...

November 15, 2007

I wrote this post below in my blog ( ) what seems like a life time ago... it felt good to revisit it today. There was a period of time a while back where I didn't blog for a few months because I used the excuse of being too busy. I still am too busy (aren't we all) but I'm trying make make time for the small things in my life. Life seems to revolve around Stella and work (and I wouldn't have it any other way) but it's nice to take a minute out for myself in the day. Even if it's a silly little blog about nothing too important it makes me feel good! The posting below really has nothing to do with the above but it did make me feel good to re-read it so I''m re-posting. Sending out peace and love..... I had an incredibly powerful thought while running in the woods yesterday. I was working on releasing my truth. For so long I have been trying to release myself of fear and doubt, but as long as I do that I can never quit...

A Girls Night Out and A Spa Trip....

Friday night was a night out with the girls, Caroline and Amanda. We hit 9 th Door for dinner and then a drink at the Wine Library downtown. There is nothing better then catching up with a few girlfriends over dinner, some drinks and great conversation. I'm a lucky girl to have friends like this! On another note, I got home this afternoon and I found one last Valentines Day present from my mama and dad...a trip to my favorite spa! Talk about lucky girl!!!! Love the St. Julian spa, a Swedish massage and a sea salt scrub.... mmmmm mmm , can't wait.

Meet Rudi..

We got a new doggie !!!!! His name is Rudi , he's a mutt, 11 week old puppy that we got from the rescue. We lost Heidi our dog of 12 years this summer (so sad) but Rudi is a great addition to the family. Stella especially is excited about having a doggie , they have been inseparable since we got him.

Dreaming of Spring....

This Sunday started off yet again with a great cup of coffee and a great breakfast and my two favorite people. Then while Connie and I caught up on a little house cleaning the lil one caught up on a little sketching. Last but not least we ended up at the Home and Garden Show and got some ideas for the yard this spring, and boy did we get some great ideas. Can't wait for Spring to come around so we can dig into the yard and plant some new trees, build some flagstone walls and flower beds, a fire pit and a new flagstone walk.... woo- hoo ! Dreaming of Spring....Happy Sunday!


HAPPY VALETINES DAY!! Our Valentines started out early this morning packing our ski things and heading up to Winter Park for a full day of hitting the slopes. Before we left on our little skiing adventure I gave Stella one of her Valentines day presents. I found these sterling silver hand stamped earrings last week made by a local jeweler in the coffee shop I go to every morning. I saw them and thought they would be perfect for Stella so I splurged a little! We got to Winter Park this morning around ten and hit the slopes right away! It was a little chilly and snowing off and on but the conditions were PERFECT! We got home this afternoon around 4:30 ish hoped in the shower and got ready for a night out, just the three of us. We were all feeling in the mood for Italian so we ventured out to one of our favorite places and not thinking ahead didn't make any reservations. We got there and there was a 90 minute wait so, we tried again at a different p...


I drove by Saxy's last night for the first time since Bryan passed away. It made me so sad that I cried on the drive home. I feakin miss that guy, his big heart, big smile and even bigger love for his friends. I miss walking into Saxy's and hearing Bryan yell across the shop like we were the only two on the planet, seeing his smile and getting that unmistakable BryGuy bear hug that made you feel genuinely loved. There were times over the last 15 years that we've known each other where we wouldn't see each other for weeks, months or even years but every time we did it was as if we never missed a beat in each others lives. I miss the spontaneous nights out when he was in town talking over dinner or just a quick beer. I MISS BRYGUY !!! His larger than life presence was unprecedented. So as Jimmy from Jimmy's Bar wrote... "BE like Bryan for 5 minutes tomorrow and make someone feel that their life is better because they know you, because you are there f...


Stella and I had to make a box for all her Valentines Day cards for homework tonight. Here is what she came up with. We made an awesome team, she cut out all the hearts and I did all the gluing . I'm quite proud of our little project! :) It's always fun to see her get excited about special days like this. She's having a little party at school and grandma and step-mama are coming up for it and it makes her feel very special. Seeing her get excited about makes me get into it even though I think it's a silly holiday, but then again.....what's wrong with spreading a little love!?! Stella is sitting next to me as I write this and we've both got the giggles but guess's time for BED!!!! Nighty-Night

Mmmm mmmm.....

There is nothing better then a new pair of Carhartts ....and the best part, I found them on SALE! woo- hoo !!!! I even found a pair of overalls for Stella!

Screwy Winter...

I was going through my pictures today and I came across this picture that I took this summer. I am missing the summer and I'm missing the winter. It seems like we've been stuck in a windy limbo weather pattern with no where to go..... I love the winters, the snow, the cold, skiing, and even the driving. But so far this winter we haven't seen too much of the white stuff here in town. It's a beautiful day outside and I'm stuck inside because it's REALLY windy out. There is nothing that bums me out more then a windy day. It's useless. (I know we need wind, sucks) I love Colorado for its weather, one day there can be a snowy blizzard and -15 degrees and the next it's in the 70's. Ranting about the wind.....

Home Sweet Home....

Vegas is a crazy place (as most know). We had such a great time taking in Vegas. We skipped from casino to casino, did a little gambling , did a little dancing, did a little drinking but most of all we enjoyed our time together. People seem to always come back with amazing, crazy stories but I don't have one of those stories, instead I just have a little extra cash in my pocket and a great memory of another lil vacation with the foo. The foo and Cesar. Laughing Buddha. The foo and I at dinner. Lots of yummy surf and turf! We had such a good time in Vegas but it's so nice to be back home with the lil one.

Off to Vegas....

The foo and I are heading to Vegas for the weekend! woo- hoo !!!!

Sweet Berries....

I've been trying to get my butt back into shape lately so I can start tri training in April. I have been on a detox program for a few days and after I get back from Vegas this weekend I am fasting for a few days. I've been eating ton of blueberries which are very high in antioxidants and great for detoxing. I only wish I could get my hands on some blueberries from the Gilman farm back in Massachusetts, those were the best blueberries in the world. I'll settle for what we've got here and cross my fingers that we make a trip back out there this summer! Hope everyone gets a chance to get out an enjoy the beautiful weather!!!


Each one of these hammers has a different purpose and each has it's own character. Most of them have names and the older and more beat up and used they get, the more beautiful they are. Can't wait for summer to come back around so I can start swingin my hammers again.

25 Random Things About Me

1. If my hands or my feet get too hot i start feeling claustrophobic . 2. I have always wanted to go to culinary school and thanks to "the foo" I am. 3. I could eat a whole jar of Nutella in one sitting if given the chance. 4. When I was a little kid (about 6 or 7) you couldn't tell if I was a little boy a a little girl. Definitely a tomboy. It killed me at that age to put on a dress. 5. I have to hit the snooze button at least 5 or 6 times before I get out of bed, but I love getting up early in the mornings. 6. I want to learn absolutely everything there is to know about flagstone. 7. I miss my grandmother and grandfather, I feel like I missed out on opportunities to really get to know them as a kid. They would spend some summers here and I would spend some time in Czech but I still feel void that will never be filled. 8. I think my little brother is one great kid. 9. I sometimes wish I could hop back into a slalom course and have the ability to shred through it lik...

Sunday, Fun Day!

Another beautiful weekend is slowly coming to a close. There is nothin better then having a lazy Sunday morning with Sponge Bob, pumpkin spice pancakes, a great cup of coffee and my two favorite people sitting next to me, a trip to the shoe store to buy some new shoes, a trip to the park to run around, and to top it all off a football party for a big football game. Ahhhhhh , Sunday fun days ROCK!!!! Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!