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Showing posts from February, 2015

ups and downs.....

This last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and today (Saturday) Stella raced at Ski Cooper! For those of you that have never been to Ski Cooper it's a small little ski area 9 miles from Leadville, CO, no cell service, no wifi, and a two seater fixed grip lift that moves about 1/2 a mile an hour. It's frustrating and awesome all at the same time. No live-timing, no checking in with spouses, just ski racing!  Stella and Grace at the awards banquet!  Yup, everything but Stella is clear. Still working on my photo skilz...trying to keep up with Troy!  :)  Probably one of the flattest race hills out there. It drives Stella nuts!   Letting them run.......... Stella is going to be mad at me for posting this pic because 1 minute prior to this picture there were quite a few tears but that's what it's all about ......the good, the bad, the ugly puffy eyed pictures, and then the smiles!  Here's to many more days out on the hill... Love and ...

People are funny....

Perception is a funny thing. It's easy to judge from 30,000 feet up. As much as I'd like to say I don't judge....I DO! I'm human, not a saint and definitely not fully enlightened (although I'm working on it) but still a LONG ways away :). We (my family and I) lead a pretty happy life. We put in the time and energy to make it that way, but it's not like we have it totally figured out. Granted living in the place we do, makes it a little easier. How can you live up here and not be happy?!? Big mountains, skiing out the backdoor, lots of snow, lakes to play on in the summer......need I go on?  The reason we moved here and not the city (which would have been easier) is that we value this quality of lifestyle. Not that it doesn't come with it's own costs, some pretty steep but in the end TOTALLY worth it!. I see families moving up here, quitting the rat-race and making the same conscious decision to instill mountain and small town values in their kids. As ...

Stupid Song....

Whether it's the small little daily struggles, the bathroom flooding or anything else going on at the moment, that stupid song starts playing in my know the one from the movie Frozen and it plays over and over and over again. The worst part is, is that I only know the chorus, the best part is, is that it always makes me giggle because I am the worst singer EVER, just ask Stella or Troy!  The sun is shinning, it's snowing, all three girls are healthy and hopefully doing what they love to do, my husband rocks. It's all good!  Good luck to Stella who is racing today, good luck to Jordan who is training today, lots of love to Taylor, and here's to knowing Troy is kicking ass on his test!  Happy Wednesday!  Love and Gratitude! 

Monday Morning Inspiration...

Pure awesomeness, the dismount is probably my favorite part! It's totally how I rocked the spin bike this morning! HA!  :) Happy Monday! Love and Gratitude! 

Crossing The Finish Line....

We headed to Aspen this weekend for another Smartwool race. One GS and one slalom at the Highlands. Stella has had a bit of a hard time finishing this season (I've definitely been there) and the GS on Saturday was no different. Not for a lack of trying, she's been working on getting across that finish line but the 4th to last gate proved to be the end of her day. Full on yard sale, tangled in the gate, a bruised hip and ego. I gotta give it to the girl though, even through the tears there were smiles and the fire to do it better next time!!! On to today.....Stella has yet to finish a slalom this season but TODAY was her day! No more starting with 990 points. Whew!! First run she started third from last and definitely attacked from the back. Whether or not she finished today I am one proud mama but I will say.......I am happy for the kiddo!!! Wooooooooo!!!!! 10 pairs of skis, 5 boot bags, 5 pairs of poles, 5 girls, 2 adults and one PACKED Tahoe!!! GO TBK! Have to g...


I think I've kept this blog a little light over the years as to not try and offend people or probably I was just not really ready to fully put myself out there. This blog has always been about our adventures, mis-adventures and everything in-between and will continue to be so, but I think I'm ready to dive a little deeper or at least start by scratching at the surface a little harder.  Here's a start......probably for about the last 10 years I've been a HUGE believer in manifestation. I believe that if you put good thoughts, love and energy out there, good will come back in all shapes and forms. I'm not talking about unicorns, rainbows or glitter, but more like having gratitude for the good and the bad experiences in life, learning and growing from them. It took a few hard knocks in life and love to start figuring out who I really am and to just be happy and okay with that. Stella definitely helped that process along, as she is a huge reason I am where I am today...