We had a few small hick-ups getting home from training today (a flat tire) so we were a little behind on the Halloween-ing but the girls pulled it together and here's what we ended up with! Drea (center) put together these really cool prom dresses, a little make-up, some teased hair and whoa-la! Bloodied, prom girls?!?! I think that's what they were going for, or maybe it was zombies....I can't keep up! ;) It's cold, snowing, windy and 24 degrees outside. Of course the girls are in ballet flats, and short sleeves. I think Stella and I had a 20 minute argument on whether she needed to wear a jacket! I won but of course when I told the girls to take off their jackets for a picture I got the "see I told you so" look from Stella! Ha! Love these girls! Happy Halloween Y'ALL!!!! Love and Gratitude!
milostny dopis (love letters)