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Showing posts from October, 2013


We had a few small hick-ups getting home from training today (a flat tire) so we were a little behind on the Halloween-ing but the girls pulled it together and here's what we ended up with!  Drea (center) put together these really cool prom dresses, a little make-up, some teased hair and whoa-la! Bloodied, prom girls?!?! I think that's what they were going for, or maybe it was zombies....I can't keep up!  ;) It's cold, snowing, windy and 24 degrees outside. Of course the girls are in ballet flats, and short sleeves. I think Stella and I had a 20 minute argument on whether she needed to wear a jacket! I won but of course when I told the girls to take off their jackets for a picture I got the "see I told you so" look from Stella! Ha! Love these girls!  Happy Halloween Y'ALL!!!!  Love and Gratitude!

The Best B&B....

If you ever find yourself in Breck and don't want to stay with us (I will be highly offended if you don't :)), the best second alternative is the Abbett Placer Inn Bed and Breakfast . We met the owners Emma and Niels and their doggie Buddy last year. They are lovely people and run a fantastic Inn. Beautiful rooms, great food, and amazing location, what more could you want?!?! I ran into Emma at the post office the other day and that's what gave me the idea to write about the Inn.   The Inn! One of the main bedrooms.  Another... Next to our dog I think Buddy is one of the happiest, friendliest dogs EVER!   You can't miss this place!  Sending out lots of Love and Gratitude! 

20 Random Things....

1.  Sunshine, skiing, music, and my family (in no particular order) fuel my soul. 2.  I first met my husband when I was 17. I thought he was pretty cool back then, but I think he is even cooler now! 3.  I think it's nice to have nice things but I also think those things do not define us. 4.  I can eat a full jar of Nutella in one sitting if given the chance! 5.  I swore I would never move back East. I did, and thank god that didn't last long. We are exactly where we belong at this very moment! 6.  I love driving carpool. 7.  I feel like in the last few years I've really become true friends with my parents rather then them being just my parents, and I am extremely grateful for that. 8.  I had a few rough years in my life and wish I had handled them with more maturity. 9.  I believe that you get to know someone's true nature in hard times, not in good times. 10.  One day I would like to open my own boutique! ...


I got all my chores done on Saturday in the hopes of getting in my first day of the season on snow today (Sunday). The skies were blue, the snow was cold, my camera was charged, and I was ready to make some turns. We got their this morning and the parking lot and lodge were full of friendly faces. Coaches and athletes that I haven't seen since last year. Always fun catching up!  I tried to stay out of Stella's way as much as possible but sometimes I just can't help myself! I am a picture taking mama and I have a problem! HA!!!   I got a few smiles along the way!   Troy in his element!  This man loves what he does!   Stellaaaaaaaaa!!!!  Love having a big lens because then I can at least creep from afar!  :) I even snuck in a lift ride or two with my husband! Blessed!  Hope y'all had an awesome weekend.  Love and Gratitude! 

Rock on....

Trevor (my awesome borther-in-law) turned the big 5 0 yesterday!  As much as I would love to record an amazing birthday song, like the one you sent me last year, I have a feeling that my singing voice would only scare you into hiding.  So, here's the best I can do! (sing along if you'd like)  Happy Birthday to YOU,  Happy Birthday to YOU,  Happy Birthday, dear Trevor..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!  Sending you lots of love (a day late) today and everyday!  Love and Gratitude for you!  Troy, Linda and Stella! 

It's been a while.....ready?!?

July 1st, the last time I blogged! Gosh, I've missed it but a hiatus was needed. I even took time away from taking my camera EVERYWHERE! It was time to sit back and enjoy time, people and situations around me without picturing or writing about them.  Getting back to the task at hand.....the last few months.....let's see, nothing too crazy to report since we got home from Europe. Although last Friday was a great week in the Rokos Family but I'll get back to that in a minute. School for Stella started in August which brought along with it Fall soccer and prep for the ski season. Troy spent a month in Chile (which he loved) and I did the mama thing. With Fall rolling into Colorado, the weather brought along some MAJOR rain (it was kinda big news around here). We weren't affected up here in Breck but my parents and a lot of our friends in Lyons were drastically affected. My parents to this day (six weeks later) still have no phone service or road to their house. They did...