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Showing posts from July, 2012

simple life...

We had a great family day on Sunday tooling around Aspen. We hiked, we shopped and we sat back and enjoyed the sights and sounds. I must say it was nice to get out of Breck.... The red ones are my favorite. A little hike!   Stopping to enjoying the views!   Checking out the world cup hill!    Soaking it all in!  Me, buddha and a red ballon! Love!   Independence Pass!  Loving that the girls are here for a visit!   Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend, we sure did.  Love and Gratitude! 


A lovely Saturday morning in Vail. We may be spending A LOT of time here this winter, still working on the details. In the mean time, the girls, Troy, Gus and I spent a few hours hiking, shopping, eating and enjoying the beautiful day. Love the architecture here,  a fantastic touch of Europe!  After a few hours we were on our way to a little place called Aspen, but first a stop in Glenwood for a little soak in the hot springs!  Woot!  What a weekend!  Love and Gratitude! 

i've got the fever....

Olympic fever!!!!  Can you feel it? It's here.  Watching the opening ceremonies! Woo Hoo!  Love and Gratitude! 


Yes, YOU! Just to be clear if you're reading this blog trying to get info about me or my family well then sit back and soak in the love. If you think you'll get something from this blog that isn't positive, well good luck with that. This blog is nothing more then a snap shot of the wonderful life we've carved out and love that we have for one another and the ones in our lives. It's not about the things we do, buy or have, because that is not what makes US happy. If you're on here to hate, spy, or have any ill intent then GO AWAY, better yet, stay and get a dose of happy!  There is only love here.  LOVE AND GRATITUDE! 


In preparations for this up coming week, there are so many things to look forward to. A birthday (mine :)), the girls coming out from the east, a driving test, some new ink, a trip to Fo-Co, some Jolly Ranch time and most important time with the ones I LOVE! Woot!  Looking back on this last week I am more then ever a true, and firm believer in Karma, the saying "what goes around comes around" is SO true. Karma is always present, so be kind, be positive and always keep good thoughts in your heart!  Happy Sunday! Wishing everyone a wonderful week to come!  Love and Gratitude! 

weird science...

Here's what happens to Gus when Stella's cleaning her room!  Ha! Poor guy!  Love and gratitude! 


July 17th and we are getting snow above the house. We've had a few days of rain (thank god) but on Monday it felt like we were in Government Camp, OR, it was super rainy in town and snowing on the mountain. Then of course yesterday we were back in the 80's! This is why I LOVE Colorado! An Instagram shot form my iphone, a little hard to tell but there's snow up there!  :)  After our softball game last night, Troy and I had a little date night because Stella was at a friends house for a sleep over. We walked outside after dinner and the sky looked like it was on fire. The picture does not do justice to what we were really looking at. We must have stood in the parking lot for at least 20 minutes watching the sky change colors and shapes. It was pretty incredible!  Love and Gratitude!


It's Sunday!! Hoping everyone had a wonderful weekend!  So much love and gratitude. 

here we go...

Tomorrow starts day one of our three day juice fast. After three days we move on to a 15 day juicing/dinner program. We've been doing research online and upon some recommendations we've settled on the RebootYourLife program. You can check them out here:  If this looks and sounds familiar you might recognize this program from the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. We haven't seen the movie but I've heard many great things. Looooong list of organic veggies to buy tomorrow morning to kick start this cleanse.  Can't wait to dive in.  Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.  Love and Gratitude. 


An early birthday from mom and dad!!!! A new juicer is coming tonight along with my dad for a visit. On Sunday we start our juice diet! That is of course after the beer festival on Saturday! Woo!  So many recipes to try. Fruit, veggies, and spices, OH MY! Can't wait to dive in!! Love and Gratitude!

make it stop.....

Having a 12 year old, there is Top 40 constantly blaring from her room. As of about three weeks ago she got completely hooked on a song called Call Me Maybe. If you haven't heard it already it's your typical tween pop song and it's been stuck on replay in my head for weeks. I find myself singing it in the car, at work and last night while in the outfield of my softball game. It's quite maddening. I'm at the point where it's about to be banned in the house.  So, here it is, catchy at first but it makes me want to cry. The scary part of it all is I have Marley cranking in my office as we speak and this stupid song is playing in my head. HELP!! Ha!  ;) Hope everyone is having a fabulous Wednesday!  Sending out lots of love and gratitude!! 

sunday afternoon, ahhhh.....

After running all the typical Sunday morning errands like going to the grocery store and such I love spending some time in the kitchen and relaxing with the ones I love before the craziness of the week starts up again. It usually starts with a little organizing once we get back from those errands then of course the first drink is made. Today's drink on the menu today, a super dirty martini!   No martini glasses but Czech crystal will do!   Then we dive into some cooking, chopping, stirring, boiling, baking, frying..... Love all the colors and the smells of a well used kitchen.   There's something about fresh, oranic fruit that makes me a happy girl.  Wish everyone a lovely Sunday!  Love and Gratitude! 

another day in paradise....

Town has been a bit busy the last week with all the people in for the 4th of July and for that Art Walk this weekend, but that hasn't stopped us from enjoying all that Breck has to offer. We took a lovely stroll into town today to do some serious people watching, let the girls run around town, sit on the deck of the Uller restaurant and enjoy some fried food, and live music! It's been a bit overcast the last few days and we've been getting some much needed rain showers, but today we timed it right and dodge the rain.  The River Walk Center has all sorts of great outdoor art.   Troy cruising the back side of Main St.   They were selling these guys on Main. How cool are they?!? All hand made (except for the wheels) but the seat looks a little hard!   Stella and Noel cruising behind Troy...  Silly girl!   Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend thus far.  Love and Gratitude.


Daily! Happy Friday!  Love and Gratitude! 

blue lakes...

A snap shot of a lovely day.... Happy Tuesday!  Love and Gratitude! 

on fire tonight.....

Sending out life force, strength and love! Sometimes we all need a little boost!  Love and Gratitude! 

Stella's Birthday!!!!

Last night we had Grace, Alden, Noel, Brigit, and Heidi over for some birthday fun. The girls went WILD! We had a water ballon fight, candy sushi making, a BBQ, capture the flag till late at night and then a movie. To say the least, the girls had a hoot. They stayed up till about 3am got up at 9am and played capture the flag again till 11 when all the girls went home. Then it was time for some family fun.   The girls!   Goofy Girls!   Birthday girl!   So many fun gifts!   The girls made soooooo much candy sushi. We'll be eating it for weeks!  What a great group of girls!  Sending out so much birthday love to my lil'one!  Love and Gratitude! 


How fast these last 12 years have gone! So honored to be the mama of this kick-ass, beautiful, smart, awesome, fast growing girl!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO  YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY DEAR STELLAAAAAAA,  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! LOVE AND GRATITUDE!