For the past month and half, Stella and 4 of her class mates have been studying Title IX and the impact it has on today's society in women's sports. Last night as parents we had the honor of seeing all their hard work and research put together in a fantastic presentation. It was well thought out, well researched and very well presented. They all had to dress up in their respective sports attire so of course Stella presented in her GS suite.
Did you know that the first women to run the Boston marathon was in 1974?!? And, she wore a hoody so no one would know she was a women (just one of the things we learned last night). Crazy!!! That was only 38 years ago!
The presentation was about 30 minutes long and Stella was the moderator. She ROCKED it!
I think she was pretty happy it was over, she was quite nervous to speak in front of all the parents but as soon as she got up there all that fear went away. Woo Hoo!
A little surprise from mama awaiting her at home for kickin some booty!
All in all.... SUCCESS! Now on to the next end of the year project!
Wishing everyone a happy Friday!!
Love and Gratitude!