I picked this book up a few years ago (3 to be exact) and just re-read the book this week. After re-reading it, I realized that I have been seeing the world in a completely different way... that I have been learning to "let things go" to have fewer expectations from life and enjoying more what life is giving me. And through consciousness these changes will continue and refine themselves in the years to come. Of course a portion of these changes are due to simply maturing and evolving as a person, as most of us hope to do (or so I would like to think). The book however set me on a path for who I am and who I am to become as time goes on. For some this book resonates on a deep level for some and others, they see only the words, or so I have found through a very recent girls night out and a
discussion on the book. This is not to put value judgements on "getting it" or "not getting it". This book is only one of the paths that leads to wherever it is that we are all headed as humanity. Each of us, (if i may be allowed a new age moment), is a person "becoming" and at different rates. It is not a question of is this book is right or wrong, it is a question of whether this book is right or wrong for whom. In this case that "whom" is you... and there is only one way to find out and that is to read it for yourself.
Much Love...