Do you see what I see? SNOW!!!!!! Woo-hoo, Stella and I woke up yesterday morning to snow on the ground. It's been snowing tons up in the higher country but this is the first we've seen at the house!
Thank god I put new snow tires on my car two day before it snowed, I don't know if I would have made it out of the driveway with the old tires I had on there, they were bald!
Stella waiting at the school bus stop with her hot Chamomile tea!
She was just a excited about the snow as I was, she asked if she could sled when she got home from school but with the typical Colorado weather, there wasn't enough snow on the ground when she got home from school. I think we might go try and make our first turns of the season
this weekend with Uncle Tommy. Can't wait to strap the boards on!
Wishing everyone a fun, happy, snowy weekend!
Much Love!