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Showing posts from April, 2010

10 Random Things...

1. If I could have Nutella with every meal I would. 2. Even when my munchkin is being a pain in the arse, she still makes me smile. 3. I sleep with Grover every night. Yup, a 2 foot, blue, stuffed, fuzzy Muppet. 4. My favorite nights are movie nights with the lil one. It's my excuse to watch silly kid movies even though I'd still probably watch them on my own . 5. I hate my hair (always have), no matter how great of a cut I get, I might like it for a few days and then it drives me nuts again. 6. If I had the time and the money I would buy out Rebecca's Apothecary Shop and make scrubs, lotions and all sorts of goodies for everyone I know. 7. I know I still have a lot to learn in my time and I'm grateful to all the people around me for showing me and exploring with me all the wonders of the world. 8. At 31 I have a major crush. 9. In the last few years I've become boarder line obsessive compulsive about cleaning. I find it very calming. 10. One of my worst traits is...

Oh, To Be 2 Again...

Tonight Stella and I got hang with Levi, and Kirsten. I forget how fun it is to have a little/little munchkin running around the house. Stella and Kirst played outside while Levi and I cooked up some dinner. Little rascal! A death grip, kept him in place for all of 10 seconds! :) I realized tonight just how un -baby proof my house is. Adventures of a Wednesday night!! Sending out much love

Rebecca's Herbal Apothecary!!

I'm a firm believer that if you find something good, pass it along.... A few months ago my good friend DB sent me to this little shop on Spruce St in Boulder. I walked into the store and it was love at first sight. I am addicted to this store. If I had the time and money I would make yummy home made lotions, scrubs, rubs and anything else imaginable for everyone one I know. If you have a chance and are in the area you have to check this store out. Rebecca's also carries TONS of books and homemade remedies for anything you can think of. One of my favorite products. Sweet Honey Scrub. It makes my skin shinny, healthy and beautiful. It's a must have along with all the other herbal extracts and organic goodies she has. You can also check the store out online! Much Love!

Almost There....

It's getting there. We still have to finish the North-East corner but, it's close! Flowers, grass and planters will go on top of the wall! Sending out much love...

All Good Things Come In 3's....

Sunday afternoon all the usually suspects (along with a few new ones) gathered at the Rokos house. It was a special day. We were celebrating 3 birthdays, Mama's, Kathy's and Penny's! All 3 of their birthdays fall on the same week! There was a little singing.... ...and a little celebrating. It was a wonderful Sunday to celebrate mom's birthday. She is after all the glue that holds this family together and I'm very grateful for her! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!!!

Poetry Cafe...

Last Thursday night, Stella, DB and I headed up to her school for Poetry night. Stella along with about 50 other kids from her school got up and recited their favorite poems. Stella and her buddy Morelli , read a two part poem by Kelli Kolani ! The girls! After Stella was done and on our way out of her school parking lot, I snapped this picture! I love this place! Much love....


It's coming along..... We had a rainy, wet Saturday but we got a few more rocks added to the wall. Mom and Dad got tons done over the last few days! After this pic was taken it got WAY muddier, that's when we really started digging in the dirt! Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. Much Love!

Here We Go....

With Spring here, Mom, Dad and I have started working on the landscaping part of the house. The facade of the house and the deck are going to get done once my dad comes back from his Spring trip to Europe which he leaves for in a few days and come back after a few weeks. Back to the landscaping.... We started with pulling out these railroad ties hold up a dilapidated retaining wall. Thanks to the Bobcat and my dads mad skills in it, it was done in no time! Demo is always fun! Yeah I got in the Bobcat too, but dad is definitely the Bobcat Master! :) Thanks to the quarry up above my parents house we are going to have a beautiful red granite wall! And yes, the house will hopefully soon be a different color too! When I got home from work today, Mom and Dad had already started setting the foundation rocks of the wall. I hopped into my work clothes when I got home and we continued where they'd left off. Stella thought it would be really funny to take a picture of my butt sticking ...


Ney York, I Love You is a MUST see. I randomly stumbled upon it on Netflix last night under instant watch. I almost always fall asleep during movies, especially if I'm already curled up in bed but this movie kept me up and after it was done, I wanted to see it again. The casting in this movie was incredible! The style and place it was filmed in, was fantastic. If you get the opportunity get out and see it! Sending out much love!

Happy Easter...

The whole family today got together for a fun Easter Sunday. A little church in the morning and then a fantastic brunch with family and friends! We couldn't of asked for a more beautiful day...bright, sunny and warm! Woo-hoo....bring on spring time! Mom, Dad, Tommy and I staring straight into the sun....doesn't make for the best of pictures but at least we're all squinting together! :) Stella hunting for some eggs and of course the Easter Bunny dropped off a huge basket of goodies for her! Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Much Love...