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Showing posts from 2010

veselé vánoce...

Another wonderful Christmas has come and gone..... Apparently Santa thought we were pretty good this year, xbox's . blender's, snow shoes, lots-o Spyder clothes, books, soda machines, sweaters, trips to the spa, lots-o video games and there's more! Whew! Are we blessed or what!?! Stella and I pre -Christmas dinner out on the ice, playin some pond hockey! Stella in one of her favorite Christmas presents, a new speed suite! woo- hoo !! Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas, time with family is what Christmas is really about! Peace, love and blessings.... From the Rokos Family!


36 years together, today! Happy HAPPY Anniversary mom and dad! Much Love


Besides the little odds and ends...I am DONE!!! Santa has been running around like mad trying to put everyone's gifts together, and guess what? He (I mean I :)) have had MAJOR sucess! I am sooooo ready for the holidays! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, Stella has her first weekend of ski team practice this weekend so wish us luck! much love....


Just finished reading this book. Easy read, highly recomended and my first Hemingway. happy friday much love...

two years...

Remembering Bry -guy today! Prayers and love to family and friends as we remember one happy dude! blessed...


Yup! Skiing! Stella and I spent two awesome filled days skiing Eldora this weekend. She doesn't start ski team for another two weeks so we took the opportunity to rip around the mountain together! It doesn't get much better than this. Warm weather, great snow, and Stella by my side! There's one person missing but I can't remember the last time we were all up together on the mountian. Dad was on the moutain as well, but about 30 miles south/west, as the crow flys, from us. We had a blast skiing together! Here's to a great season ahead! much love...

gobble, gobble...

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. The Rokos / Vossler /Bowers turkey day went off without a hitch (of course :)) Too much food, lots of thanks and gratitude and love to go around! Stella and I before the stuffing began! The "girls" the night before doing some turkey day prep! Mama stirring the gravy while Kathy and I supervise! Tommy and Mama kicking butt in the kitchen! :) The Crew! A Few faces missing this year, but they were there in spirit! Sooooooo much yummy goodness!!! Uncle Tommy and Stella trying to walk it off! In the playroom with Stella and the boys playing some turkey day games! Do we look stuffed and tired, or what? Happy Thanksgiving from the Rokos's ! much love...

i am grateful for....

I'm Grateful for: STELLA , white straight teeth, sashimi , Foreign- ers , having clean laundry, skiing, PBR , breakfast food, Sunday Fundays , people with a good sense of humor, passion and compassion , firm handshakes, Boulder, snow , SUVs , creating, blank canvas, forgiveness , flagstone, modesty, kisses, good dreams, silvovice , movies that make you think, perezhilton .com, dancing, my Babi , a chicken named Ricky Bobbi, my brother and his other, building, photography, hardwood floors, bruises, family , bff's , writing letters, happy hour, friends, 8 baby chicks, mom and dad , my job, tuna salad, people that say "soda" instead of pop, people who think they are always right, Carhartt overalls, suntans, fresh air, laughing till i'm blue in the face, chocolate cake, snuggling, scars, a good glass of wine, dharma and karma, pictures, Brno, memories, back porch shoot offs, sunshine, scarves, my home and most of all, I'm grateful for YOU !

new, favorite app

Non-stop fun with my i-pad. I just downloaded this app the other night and Stella and I have been playing with it. I think we've converted almost all the pictures I have stored on this thing, with this new app. I think this is one of my favorites. Teddy with some fresh plucked potatoes out of the garden! Pic taken by my mama! Not the best picture but.... Stella and I got some feathers in our hair. She's been bugging me for weeks to get it done and finally last week we found a great spot on Pearl St in Boulder that got her what she wanted. Purples, blues, whites and even a black feather. Since Stella made me get them as well, i went the little more subtle route and got some browns and whites! This is also probably one of my other most favor tie pictures. Tommy and I last Thanksgiving. Okay, no more procrastinating and back to work! happy monday , much love

more weekend yummy goodness, of a different sort...

Stella and I had a fantastic weekend up in Copper. We got up there Saturday early afternoon, swam for what seemed like hours and then goofed around town for a bit. Had dinner with an old friend (so much fun reconnecting) and called it an early night. goofing around... Stella in her natural enviornment! Water! It was Stella's first day out on the snow, of the season, so the first few runs I tried to have her take it easy but that lasted for about 1/2 her first run, and that was it. It took me a few runs to get up to speed but the rest of the day we ripped around the mountain . Sooooooo much fun! I can't tell you how happy I am to be back on skis! Wishing my BFF , Mollie a very blessed and HAPPY BIRTHDAY (even though it was yesterday), and hoping the awful birthday song i left on her voice mail, doesn't come back to haunt me one day! hehe Hope everyone had a spectacular weekend. much love

weekend, yummy, goodness.....

All good weekends start with a great cup of coffee! My new favotite mug. Everyone's got to have a favorite mug! My mama's recepie for pan roasted fried almonds! Sooooo good! Sea salt. I made Stella some special pasta, with love! The "peice de restistance" of the weekend! My first roast in a crock pot. I've made roasts, before the traditional oven way but this weekend I splurged on a new crockpot. 6 hours later, some major yummy, goodness to eat! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. much love...

oh, happy days...

Do you see what I see? SNOW!!!!!! Woo- hoo , Stella and I woke up yesterday morning to snow on the ground. It's been snowing tons up in the higher country but this is the first we've seen at the house! Thank god I put new snow tires on my car two day before it snowed, I don't know if I would have made it out of the driveway with the old tires I had on there, they were bald! Stella waiting at the school bus stop with her hot Chamomile tea! She was just a excited about the snow as I was, she asked if she could sled when she got home from school but with the typical Colorado weather, there wasn't enough snow on the ground when she got home from school. I think we might go try and make our first turns of the season this weekend with Uncle Tommy. Can't wait to strap the boards on! Wishing everyone a fun, happy, snowy weekend! Much Love!

super fly girl...

I've been meaning to post this for about a week now and finally here it is. Stella for her birthday this year got flying lessons from her grandma and grandpa Larsen. Every time she got a chance to take the lesson this summer she would run into bad weather and they would have to cancel. Finally the opportunity came around again and the sky were clear for flying. Stella took a class and for a few hours and she was ready to fly! Eeek , thank god this is just a flight simulator! :) Stella and her pilot instructor! Stella flew out of Centenial ariport and did a big loop over Denver. I'll post some videos soon that grandma took while they were up and flying. Grandma Larsen was brave enough to sit in the back seat while Stella flew the plane. She had such a blast that now we've been reading a bunch of books about flying. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Have quite a bit of blog catching up to do but, with it being Monday morning I should probably stop procrastinating and ge...


Stella and I are both at home today sick :(. Stella was at home yesterday already with the bug and thanks to my mama she was doing soooo much better by the time I got home from work. Unfortunately the bug caught me yesterday afternoon while still at work so here we are, at home. It's actually a nice little break. Slept in this morning, got a little cleaning done and now Stella and I are in the kitchen backing up some goodies. Here is a random pic that I got on Halloween . If you blow it up you can see the mountains lite up from behind. It was an amazing sunset. Hope everyone is having a beautiful Wednesday. Much Love!

happy halloween....

Stella and I had a great time this weekend running around a friends neighborhood snagging all the candy we could get our hands on. We recycled our costumes from last year but they worked out perfect! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, have about two or three blog post that i want to catch up on today so stay tuned! Much Love!

and, again....

Eeeek .....another freakin fire. This one is REALLLLY close to Boulder. It looks like it's just to the north of Canyon Rd. Hope they put this one out QUICK! The St Julian on the right and the fire is about 1/2 a mile (as the crow flys). I wish this picture captured the fire a little better. Standing there taking it, it is MUCH closer then it appears in this photo and of course the winds are whipping in Boulder! Sending l;ots of good energy and safety to the fire fighters!


Driving into Boulder this morning to the gym was breath-taking. These pictures do not do the sunrise justice, they were taken from my phone, but what an amazing way to start on Friday morning. Lyons It just kept getting better by the second. But, more importantly to the west of this picture there is tons of snow in the hills! Wishing everyone a blessed Friday and a beautiful weekend. Much Love

force of nature

Mother nature has been unleashing her fury the last few nights. Major, MAJOR winds whipping through the valley and here are her results! She got through both pieces of glass! Here is my beautiful duct tape job. Off to Home Depot to try and buy a new one. wish me luck Much windy Tuesday love!

ski ball 2010

16, that's how many ski balls I've been to. I can't say that one year has been better than another, except maybe one year when I had Jimmy as my date. Other then that, each ski ball has been just as great as the next. It's always a wonderful time when you can get a bunch of ski industry people together, family and friends. This year we celebrated the 40 th anniversary of the ski ball. We honored two skiers that passed away this year. A legend in the ski world, Jimmy Heuga passed away in February. MS claimed his life but his Buff spirit lives on in all of us. And, then there is Spencer Nelson. A sophomore who was taken WAY too soon. Killed in a tragic climbing accident this summer, this season will be skied for Spencer. On a little lighter note, Paul, Alena, Tommy and I had a great time catching up! 2010 CU Buffs. One team, one goal! Wishing these kids, love, health, focus, strength, luck and fast skis for the up coming season. Much love!

year one...

Can you believe it!?! This weekend marks one year in our home! The changes are amazing and the work seems never ending but so far it's been a wonderful journey. We had a pretty relaxed weekend, the lil'one and I! A great Saturday morning breakfast kicked it off, and a happy little get together for some pumpkin carving toped it off! I made the first cut for Stella and after that she was in full control of the big sharp knife! Eeekkkk!!!!! "ewwwwwww" Stella put it so eloquently!!! Stella digging in! Little kids and sharp knives = nervous mama! Ha!! Stella and her creation! Heart eyes, a star nose and a big ol' smile! Sammy and his ghost pumpkin. Thanks to the Vosslers for another fun filled family event! Hope everyone had a lovely weekend! Much love! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad