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Showing posts from August, 2009

Ink and Stuff...

A few weeks ago I got some new ink. A few more stars added to my foot. Pictures will be up soon! Since Stella has started school again, we've been trying to find our groove. It's hard going from summer break back into a schedule but we are adjusting well. Mornings always seem to be the hardest. I try to wake Stella up around 6:30 and I get the finger ( nooo not that finger) the one more minute finger. After a few of those she finally drags herself out of bed. She is definitely not a morning person unlike her mama but she'll get there! :) I know I haven't updated in a while but it's another groove I want to get back into too. There really hasn't been much to update on but lots of good things happening. We are still in a stall with the bank over buying the house. As of this last Friday they have finally accepted all of our paper work and we've been assigned some one to our file so hopefully all this waiting will be worth it and we'll get this house at ...

First Day of 4th Grade!

Can you believe it?!? Fourth grade! Stella was up bright and early and, extremely excited to get to school this morning. She's growing up WAY too fast! I can't wait to get home this afternoon to hear all about her first day! So exciting! Happy Monday!

Summer Daze...

I can't believe summer is over..... We tried to get to the pool as much as possible this last week before Stella starts school. Trying to soak up as much sunshine as possible before it's time to be in the classroom again. As quickly as it went by, it was a great summer! StellaVita !! Sammy making the big jump! Even Teddy got in some pool time! Stella and Teddy in the Vossler garden! Stella, Elsa, Teddy and I. Stella is so excited to go back to school. We had school orientation last week and I got to meet with Stella's teacher. Mrs. Mitchelle. She seems like a great lady and Stella already got to spend some time with her this summer so she's excited to have her as her main teacher this year. Time to go back to school......


I got home from work today and Stella, Teddy and I busted out to the little pond up behind the house to try and catch some fishes. No fishes caught but we did have a good time! The Pond. Teddy going after Stella's fly! Stella's back home, all is right in the world again! Stella taking goofy pics of mama! It's great to have Stella back at home so Teddy has a play buddy. They have been inseparable since she got home last night!


With a few cups of coffee in me I took some time this morning to pull all the clothes out of my room and purge all the unwanted things. It feels good to get rid of all the clutter. I ended up with two full garbage bags of stuff to give to Goodwill. So far, it's been a productive Saturday. Now it's off to the gym. Woot ! Nooo Bueno! Ahhh, MUCH better! Wishing everyone a productive, beautiful weekend! Time to go play! :)

Big Green...

One of our main machines got some lovin today. A few weeks ago it got a crack in the housing plate that holds the hydrolycs underneath the main plate. Today with a lot of welding we put her all put back together. A few years ago this machine almost took off my finger. It's big, it's powerful and can chop rock up to 12 inches thick. It demands respect as does most of our machinery otherwise it's pretty easy to get hurt. Although I got a crash course in hydrolycs a few years ago. I feel like everytime we pull this thing apart I learn something new. I absolutely love learning about all our machinery. This is what she looked like new....we've had her for years so she's not as shinny anymore but she's still a beautiful machine!


Yup! I wore a dress to the yard! Not as easy to drive the forklift but still it felt awesome to get out of the Carhartts ! A silly little post, but it made my day!


I woke up a few weeks ago and couldn't see straight, I felt like I was on a boat in rough seas and my eyes wouldn't stop shifting. After calming myself down a little and gathering myself I had my dad drive me to the hospital. Thinking that I could of had anything from a stroke to something crazy going on with my head. SCARY! After spending a few hours in the hospital and having a dozen tests run on me, I was diagnosed with Vertigo. Vertigo? For no rhyme or reason it just showed up. They aren't sure when it will go away and they are not sure why it happen but it did and I've been dealing. Let me tell you, NOT a fun thing to deal with, I get the feeling every now and then like I'm drifting at sea and get a really crazy case of motion sickness and the kicker is, is that I'll be standing perfectly still. I've done all the research I can and nothing seems to have a clear answer as to why it's happening to me. I understand what it is and blah blah blah but i...

Meet Teddy!

Saturday morning Stella and I roll out of bed and my parents came home with our newest family member...TEDDY!!!! He's a 10 week old Jack Russel Terrier. I thought Stella was going to jump out of her skin with excitement when she saw my dad get out of the car holding Teddy! TEDDY! New BFF's ! Our neighbors/good friends also got one. This is Peanut. Teddy checking out his new digs! We are all so excited. Teddy was a bit of a surprise to all of us. I think we were all planning on waiting to get another doggie after loosing Rudi . But, I believe Teddy came at the right time.