Saturday morning the foo, his brothers and I packed up the cars and headed up to Steamboat for a little weekend get away. We got a fantastic condo right on the mountain with a beautiful view of the valley. It was so bright and green up there it was breath taking. We spent all of Sunday shopping downtown, buying Connor some new cowboy boots and hiking up Fish Creek Falls. It was nice to get out of town for the weekend the only thing missing was Stella. We really missed her this weekend but she was off having a great time at here dads.
The view from one of the decks. Steamboat Valley at its greenest.
A late night(8pm) pic of the crew right before putting Grant down to sleep and a pic taken earlier in the night of Adam and Laurie making Blue Cheese Buffalo burgers...mmmmm!
What do you get when you put 3 brothers in an elevator?
Yeah...I don't know either! :)
Baby Grant in a new hat my mama made for him and Grant and Dad watching the Nuggets.
Go Nuggets!
Fish Creek Fall, Steamboat
We made the 2 mile hike to the top of the falls, it was a perfect, muddy afternoon!
Chad and Laurie and Uncle Connor with Fish Creek in the background.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day!