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Showing posts from March, 2015


We got to spend a lovely day in Vail today watching Jordan. The FIS finales are always a really fun race to watch, lots of sunshine, great ski racing going on and the best part.....JORDAN!  Love!  Jordan ROCKED it today!  Makes me smile!  The always lovely Brenda Buglione! Love this lady! How freaking awesome is this!?! Jordan ended up 3rd in the U18 and 15th overall! WOOOOO!!! Love and Gratitude! 


I can almost feel the sand between my toes.  I'm ready to trade in my ski boots for flip flops, my skis for a surf board and my views from a snowy mountain to a beach.  Just need to get through this week. Sooooo close!  Now if I could only loose 10 lbs, change my pasty white skin to a sun kissed glow all in 6 days I would be totally ready! Ha!  HAPPY Tuesday!  Love and Gratitude! 

Spring Equinox

I didn't get a chance to post this because we were gone since last Thursday but the Vernal Equinox was this last Friday, March 20th! This means, longer days, more sunshine, warmer temps, growth, re-generation and all the awesome things that spring time brings (including spring cleaning)!  Love this time of year. Mucha (my favorite artist) did a series of 4 paintings. Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. This is Sandra Bernhardt in Spring!  Happy Spring Equinox with love and gratitude! 

Last Race of the Season.....

 Tom Garner Games in Winter Park, CO.  Day one, GS. Slushy snow and fast skis on a big hill! Woooo!  Team Breck U16 ladies.  Love these girls! Day two, slalom. More slushy snow, some good turns, some bad turns but we love the slalom!  The parents breakfast of choice!  Sometimes you just gotta go with it...... Random picture but I love this little kids outfit!  Last day duals. Made me wish they'd bring back the Pro Tour.  Love this one.  Missing the last few races of the season and swapping them out for some great adventures.  Love and Gratitude! 

The Other Half.....

With the CU Buffs winning the Championship this year there have been some great articles written about my dad and his team but, I think there needs to be an article about the other 1/2. A woman, mother, daughter, wife, grandmother and one amazing lady, my mama. For the last 36 years (yes, that's how old I am) she has been there through thick and thin and kept us together, moving forward and the backbone of the Rokos Family. She is there day in, day out while we are all over the map keeping it all together. I am beyond grateful and thankful that she is my mother.  With Love and Gratitude! 

Denver Post / John Meyer Article....

The Denver Post this morning had a cool article about my dad. Thanks to John Meyer, he's been covering ski racing for a really long time from the World Cup to the local races to Troy when he was racing and all other sporting events from around the world.  -Denver Post 3/18/2015 BOULDER — With a humility that has marked his 25 years as head coach of the Colorado ski team, Richard Rokos won his eighth NCAA championship to break the school record for national titles and then deflected the glory to others. He credited CU's tradition of success begun by Bob Beattie — patriarch of American ski racing — and successor Bill Marolt. Rokos gave a nod to CU's cross country coach, Mark Wetmore, who won his seventh NCAA title last fall. Marolt also won seven titles. "Passing Bill and Mark, it's no motivation," said Rokos, a native of the former Czechoslovakia whose English isn't as polished as the trophy his team brought home Sunday. "I'm more excited...


Set out this morning with the doggies and my friend Holly on Peak 8 for a little stroll. It's Saturday, 45 degrees, blue bird sky and freakin AWESOME!  One happy doggie!  This lady ROCKS, we have no fun at all......HA!!! Such a beautiful day!  If you're looking for a great read about mountain town living, events, and lifestyles check out Holly's magazine! Oh, and on a little side note......CU WON NCAA's!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! #20 Big congrats to all these guys and gals!! Happy weekend y'all! Love and Gratitude!

GO CU!!!!!!!

Tomorrow the Buffalos are heading into the last day of the NCAA Championships in the lead by 6 points over the University of Utah. 6 points in this game doesn't mean a whole lot. It's anyones game tomorrow and especially since it all hinges on the slalom.  Wishing these kids so much strength, confidence, fight, fast skis and all the luck in the world.   F#*k 'em up, F#*K 'em up.....GO CU!!!!! Bruce, Fletcher, Jana and Dad!  Fingers and toes crossed! They got this!  Love and Gratitude!


This little town of ours is magical! Serious gratitude!!  Happy Tuesday! 
I was on my spin bike this morning on a "need to loose weight before we hit the beach next month" ride and I started to do a little reflecting. I am a big believer in living in the present, (plus that's about all I have energy for) the here and now, but every now and then it's nice to pause and reflect! It's funny how people come in and out of our lives. Take for example my BBF Mollie. I can't imagine not having her in my life but there has been years were we haven't been in touch but just knowing that she is in on this planet makes it all okay. Then there are people that are a flash in the pan and it's fun to look back, smile, and thank that person for the utter chaos or good times they had in your life. I'm grateful for every one of them!  I was talking to a friend last week and she had mentioned a person that I'd met years ago and my friend was telling me about a nasty break-up that the person I'd met long ago is currently going throu...

It's Friday.....

Happy Friday Y'all!!  Love and Gratitude! 

The Bike.

For those of you that know me (really know me), you know that for probably the last 15 years I've HATED riding a bike. It doesn't matter if it's a road, mountain or cruiser....I hate biking!!!  I grew up road racing. I got my first custom Italian road bike when I was 10.  I know it was a big stretch for my parents at the time to get it, and I wish I had more gratitude for what they were doing for me at the time but I was 10 years old and just trying to fit in as a "normal" American kid.....whatever that was!?! My dad grew up road racing in the Czech Republic and all over Europe and he knew it was a great summer cross training tool for ski racing. Looking back, thank god my parents had me involved in all these awesome things and not being (what I thought) was a "normal" kid. Growing up in Boulder there was a culture of being very athletic in a lot of circles, and there were enough of us kids (especially ski racers) to have a kids road bike series calle...

fueling my gypsy soul....

Today was a mash up of Stevie Nicks circa '73, Fleetwood Mac '78 to '82, Bob Marley (anything live) and some Elton John circa '69 to '79!  Energized, inspired, ready to explore the globe..... Gypsy soul!  Super ready to get out of the snow and hit the beach although I'm loving all this new freshies we've been getting!??? Just a little break is all I need to soak in some major vitamin D! So soon, yet so far!  Happy Wednesday Y'all!!! Love and Gratitude! 

New Knee....

Wishing this girl a swift and painless surgery!  Hugging you all the way!! I demand drugged up texts, pictures and a play by play!  :) All my thoughts to you!  Love and Gratitude! 


It's Sunday, mid-winter, and we are all at home...whaaaa?!?! Talk about a rare occurrence. No races, no training, no working....oh my! Today is all about hoodies, sweats, slippers, yummy food, relaxing, reconnecting, and recharging!  Favorite fuzzy hoodie EVER.  Favorite sweats!  Favorite slippers!!! HAPPY Sunday y'all!!!  Love and Gratitude!