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Showing posts from June, 2012


On the eve of Stella's 12th birthday we have 5 girls running around the house throwing water ballons and screeching at the top of their lungs. Eeeekkk. Troy and I are hiding in the living room trying to stay out fo the chaos.  Before all the chaos started this afternoon we got some great (in my opinion :)) family pics.   In 18hrs this one will be 12! Woo!  In our backyard! Blessed!   Love this guy!  Love this girl!  Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend.  Love and Gratitude. 


I'm in the midst of pre-paring for Stella's sleep-over birthday party tomorrow. She has 5 girlfriends coming over for and afternoon of fun and then a night of partying :). I've been thinking of fun activities for the girls and one that we came up with is making candy sushi. There are TONS of fun ideas online, so tonight we are going to make a few sheets of very gooey rice crispy treats in preparation for tomorrow. I'm sure we'll be taking tons of pics...stay tuned. Not as good as the real thing, but they still look pretty darn good!  Wishing everyone a happy Friday!  Love and Gratitude! 

rain dance....

Pray, dance, sing, for rain... (with no lightning)  4 new fires have broken out just today in the State of Colorado. It is truly scary the immensity of this situation we're in. So please, if you're reading this, say a little prayer do a little dance for all the people fighting all these fires and for tons of rain to fall on Colorado.  Love and Gratitude! 

the last 4 hours...

We got home this afternoon from my parents house and jumped straight into our little painting project! Stella has been wanting to change the color of her room for quite some time and we finally did it!   Here is the before, she wanted to go with pink again in the beginning but quickly changed her mind when we did a little research online.  I think all the prep work took the longest, and the furniture was a bit heavy to move but we got it!   Here's the first of the new color.....I love watching Stella get excited about these sort of things.  The final product. She LOVES it! Nothin like a fresh coat of paint to brighten a room.  Love and Gratitude....

this guys...

One week down and another to go. While we sit here in 100 degree weather, Troy on the other hand is skiing on snow, and lots of it. Just giving a little shout out to one wonderful man!  So thankful and blessed we found each other!  Love and Gratitude


How much fun can you have in 24 hours?!? Apparently A LOT!  Soooo many fun pictures to choose from.....but here is a little snap shot! Friday night, Lyon's Good Old Days! We got to my parents house at about 5pm and by 6 we were back down in Lyons and the girls were ridding all the rides over and over and over......  Happy girls!  Woooooooooo!!!!!  Mom and Dad!  <3  We stayed till 9:30 and watched the girls twist, turn and slide on all the rides!  Fast forward 12 hours and we're swimming in the best pool EVER! Eldorado Canyon swimming pool. The coolest, freshest, spring water on the planet. There are definitely not too many fresh water pools and how blessed are we to have on right outside of Boulder!  We've been coming here since I was a little girl. Lots of great memories here.   The old bar and dance hall. Still beautiful!   The pool has not changed in 25 years. Love this place.   ...

you satisfy my soul...

Every little action,  There's a reaction,  Oh can't you see, what you've done for me... I am happy inside all - all of the time.  You satisfy my soul!  Love and Gratitude! 

sunshine fuels my soul....

Welcome Summer! Today is the Summer Solstice and what is consider as the official start of summer, and the longest day of the year here in the Northern hemisphere. I love observing these ancient cultural celebrations as it is a great way to slow down, recognize and give thanks to nature in our world. The Summer Solstice is recognized and often celebrated in many cultures around the world, in both the past and the present. The Celts & Slavs celebrated the first day of summer with dancing & bonfires to help increase the sun’s energy. The Chinese marked the day by honoring Li, the Chinese Goddess of Light. Perhaps the most enduring modern ties with Summer Solstice were the Druids’ celebration of the day as the “wedding of Heaven and Earth”, which is why there are so many June weddings as we still believe them to be “lucky”.    For may of the ancients, though, the summer solstice wasn’t just an excuse to party or pray, it was essential to their wel...

passion and compassion....

Two of my favorite things, passion and compassion.  Fuel for the soul... Two great quotes from two very wise men. Happy Sunday Love and Gratitude! 

my dad...

Through thick and thin with love and gratitude!! Thank YOU! Happy Father's Day! 


Since Tommy moved to NY we miss him around here dearly. Grateful everyday to have been blessed with such and awesome brother! Just thought he should know!  :) Sending so much love and gratitude your way kiddo!  Love, Your Sister! 

stay above the fray....

Today I got so wrapped up in work and a few other things, I found myself barely breathing. I stopped, sat on the floor, closed my eyes and just focused on my breathing for a little while. About 30, very long, deep, slow breaths and my world was straight again. Clarity! It was awesome.  Just Breathe! Happy Wednesday!  Love and Gratitude! 


 We had our first softball game of the season this evening. WE WON! Woot! It was a pretty close (6-5). The sun was shining, the wind was minimal, the views were amazing and the beer was cold. Of course I had a cheering section, Troy, Stella, Noel (Stella's buddy) and Gus! It rocked. I mostly played right field. I was up to bat twice and made it to first base the first time then got out on second base and the second hit i didn't make it to first base before the ball got there. Boo. But I still think I had a pretty good game. Our team name, Team Breckers. Our uniforms haven't come in yet but hopefully we will have them in before next weeks double header.  PBR is a requirement during the game.  Love my team, such a great crew!  Till next weeks game!  Love and Gratitude! 


Feeling very blessed to be sitting in that chair, RedBull in hand doing what I love to do! Awesome office bar....NEVER open before 5pm, too bad I usually leave at 4:30! HA! Give me heads up, stop by, lets have a drink, look through all the amazing alpaca sweaters and Peruvian cottons! Woo! Happy Tuesday Y'all!  Love and Gratitude.

a part of something greater.....

“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for wh...

always true.....

Happy Sunday!  Love and Gratitude! 


A lovely day spent in a beautiful place with one of my favorite humans.  Happy Saturday!  Love and Gratitude!