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Showing posts from August, 2010


Crank this up! It AWLWAYS makes me giggle because I try and chant along, but it's a great song!! Much Monday Love !!!!

Meet Hank!!

Meet Hank Rokos . The newest member of the Rokos Family! Stella and I were down in town on Saturday and on a whim thought it would be a fun idea to get a fishy! He's blue and big and seems to be a bit grumpy but I'm hoping with a little of our family lovin he'll be a happy fishy! Hope everyone had a beautiful weekend! Sending out much Love!

it's on....

Last night swim team practice started up again! Woot ! So excited. Stella couldn't wait after school to head back up to Estes and get in the pool. All her team mates where there, ready and excited to swim.... along with all the moms ready to sit and chat and catch up from the summer. Stella's first jump of the swim season into the pool! After a good long 300 meter warm up, the kiddies went straight into drills with the rubber duckies! :) It was a great night at the pool and as we got home we caught a beautiful sunset on the deck. Unfortunately this picture doesn't do the sunset justice but it's a little glimpse! Happy Friday! Much Love!

old house, new house...

What a difference a summer makes! This pic was taken last fall before we bought the house! And here it is today! Blessed to have the parents I have, without all their hard work, vision and mad skills the house wouldn't look like it does today! There's still the finishing touches and the stone work on the bottom of the house to be done but I couldn't be happier with the way it's turned out. Much love!

first day...

Can you believe it!?! My lil one started 5 th grade today! I remember as a kid my mom use to make us take a picture on the first day of school every year. It use to be embarrassing but now I'm thankful that my mom did it. I think Stella had the same thoughts this morning that I use to have about getting her picture taken but she put a smile on and did it for her mama! Ha! Stella in some new school gear. She was so excited about getting ready for school this morning! It was too funny to watch her running around getting ready. I have a feeling that will wear off in a day or two and then it will be back to "i don't want to get up more minute pleeeaassseee " !!! Ha! Last night we went down to Boulder to grab some dinner and celebrated the last night of summer break! I am one lucky mama to have such an amazing kiddo! Sending out much Monday love!

a beautiful celebration of life....

Friday (yesterday) around a thousand people gathered in Winter Park to celebrate the life of Spencer Nelson. Lots of tears and lots of laughs! Man, what a great kid to have lost! Katie, one of Spencer's teammates and his very close friends got up and spoke about Spencer and she ended with a poem called The Dash Poem . I think I've heard it somewhere before but it stuck a chord or it was more of a great reminder yesterday so I thought I'd share it...... I read of a man who stood to speak At the funeral of a friend He referred to the dates on her tombstone From the beginning to the end He noted that first came the date of her birth And spoke the following date with tears, But he said what mattered most of all Was the dash between those years For that dash represents all the time That she spent alive on earth. And now only those who loved her Know what that little line is worth. For it matters not how much we own; The cars, the house, the cash, What matters is how we live and ...

missing time....

Stella is half way through a week long visit in Seattle and I already miss her like crazy! I figured with a WHOLE week off to myself I would have tons of time to get stuff done. Where has that time gone!?! I leave today for Glenwood Spring for some business there tomorrow then straight to Winter Park for a funeral on Friday :( and then Friday evening Stella comes home :)! Seriously, where did the week go, I feel like it's already over! I've talked to Stella daily and it sounds like she's havin a blast out there. Still can't believe she starts school on Monday! Three months off for summer break and it feels like she's only been out of school for maybe three weeks! Eeekkk !!! Sending out much love and a little extra time!

super, sad, true, love story.....

Read it. :) It's an easy read, finished in two nights but it's a beautiful story! HIGHLY recommended! Above is the book I'm starting tonight! Can't wait! Amazing reviews, hope it lives up to them! Much Love!

was it worth it.....

HECK YEAH!!!! It's been a while since I've gotten outside and played hard in the woods right outside my front door. I almost forgot how much fun it is! Minus some scraped up elbows, a few HUGE bruise on my arse and massive soreness today! I'm a happy girl! Love Colorado livin ! Much Monday Love!


Thoughts and prayers are with the Nelson family and all those who knew him! Much Love!

two post monday...

Sneak peek ...... The house is nearing completion! Here's a peek at what's to come! The old siding! Yuckkkkkk ! The house is soooo much further along from this picture but i thought I'd post some pre- pics before I put up the finished product! Much Love!

house keeping....

It's been 10 days and everyday I've thought about blogging and I haven't gotten to it, but here I am! I can't even begin to tell you how much this summer has flown by. We're almost at the beginning of school. EEEEKKKKK !!!!! Can you believe it? Check out this beautiful Amethyst I got for my b-day! (thank you db) :) Our living room is finally coming together. Also for my b-day I got this really great Gladiator print (one of my favorites!!)! I'm one lucky girl! (thank you mom and dad) :) Stella's new reading corner (still missing, lamp and side table)! Just in time for school to start. We went school shopping this weekend. Is it odd that I still get excited about these things? Stella and I had a blast and bought lots of new, cool school supplies and some new school clothes! Woot ! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Happy Monday! Much Love!